The days are full, as ever, and we've settled into a fairly steady post-Lent rhythm wherein most things get done most days and I learn to let go of the other things that I thought needed doing but apparently didn't, because they didn't happen and we all survived. Blogging seems to have been one of the "let go" things, but I want to try and get back to carving out a spot for it in my week. I know from experience that there are some things that I can only "let go" for so long before it starts negatively impacting me, and using words and language creatively is one of those things. (More creatively than the "Don't try to get gunk out of your sister's nose!" conversations I have too frequently with the kids, I mean.)
Which is to say, this isn't exactly a real catching-up post so much as a brief but earnest promise that I'm going to try, and a completely unsolicited plug for a bundle of resources that happens to have a bunch of ebooks on the subject of organization and schedules! I love organization and schedules, and I'm actually geniunely looking forward to exploring different people's approaches to time management as I figure out how to bring back blogging and some of the other things that have been slipping. Not quite your cup of tea? You might want to pop over and check out the 2016 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle anyway: they have an incredible collection of more than 90 books and other resources on everything from budgeting to motherhood, meal planning to cookbooks to self care.
Actually, as much as I'm looking forward to the organizational books, it was something in that last category that bumped me from "I think I would get a lot out of a lot of these" to "where is my wallet?": a full eCourse on diastasis recti prevention and treatment. I had diastasis recti while pregnant with Kit, with sudden sharp, tearing pain across the top of my abdomen every evening for two weeks until I thought to mention it to my chiropractor; by that point, there was a gap several fingers wide in my rectus abdominus. I absolutely would buy the eCourse to learn how to help it heal and keep from going through that again! And just that one course retails for more than the cost of the entire bundle.
The 2016 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle costs $29.97, and it's only available until May 2. If you know you want it, though, go ahead and pick it up right away: until Thursday night, April 28, you get the .mobi (Kindle format) and .epub (other ereader format) versions of all of the books included for free, instead of as a $10 upgrade (the non-upgraded bundle includes the .pdf versions of the books, which definitely work—I only got the .pdf versions of the 2015 bundle last year, but if you plan to read them on an ereader or phone instead of reading on a computer or printing them, it'll be easier to read the versions that are actually formatted for a small screen.)
Anyway, I'm excited about this year's bundle! If you check it out, I'd love to hear what subjects they cover that interest you, and whether you wind up picking up a copy of the bundle for yourself. And hopefully I'll be back into the swing of posting regularly soon!