The app closed before I could save my first attempt, so here we go again... These will probably be very quick this time.
Snow, snow, and more snow! We've gotten at least a dusting every day this week, but today's accumulation has been particularly impressive. Every time I've gone outside, there's been at least another inch! The kids were eager to get home and shovel after mass (ha), but I was happy to be able to play the "hungry baby" card and avoid spending any substantial time outside, at least for today.
Little Bear has discovered mobility. He spent the better part of an hour rolling and scooting all over the bed last night as I was trying to put him to sleep. He is so proud of himself when he rolls over--it's so cute!
Yesterday evening, Little Bear watched Pride and Prejudice, the 2005 rendition, with me and my sister. He was really well-behaved, sitting quietly on my lap playing with a My Little Pony figurine for much of the time. Matt is very sure that Little Bear was playing with "random colorful toy from Mommy," not "My Little Pony," but his friends found it pretty funny.
I was reminded, watching the movie, just how little I like most of the characters in that book. Don't get me wrong--Pride and Prejudice was one of my favorite books growing up. Re-reading it as an adult, though, I was struck by the dreadful parenting of Mr and Mrs Bennett, sickened by the vapidity of Kitty and Lydia, and exasperated by Elizabeth's blindness to Wickham's inconstancy and indelicacies.
My poor husband has been off work sick the past two days. Hopefully a weekend of rest will have him feeling better by Monday!
Homeschooling starts young: My little brother had fun pointing out different countries on the world map to Little Bear this evening.

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