18 June 2015

Introducing Kit

Meet Kit! She was born yesterday morning, just two and a half hours after we got to the birth center. At 7 lbs 2 oz and 20" long, Kit is a little bigger than Little Bear was. So far she definitely has day and night mixed up; she was wide-eyed and wanting to nurse pretty much straight from 10 pm to 4 am. She and I both got a solid four hours of sleep after that, though, and she's been a little more alert today than yesterday.

More later when I'm more awake. We're all doing fine, and so happy to have Kit here with us!


  1. Hooray!!! She's so beautiful :-)

  2. She is an angel! I am so happy for your family and cannot wait to meet her!!

  3. Oh, how darling! God bless you all.

  4. O my goodness, never saw a newborn look so much like her family. She is ADORABLE!!! Jealous of that hair! Congrats.
